Ashtanga Yoga w/ Christine Hoar

Mysore Yoga, Led Primary Series, & Workshops


Saturday, April 13 - Tuesday, April 16

$50 for individual sessions
$270 for entire immersion (save 10%)

Beloved senior teacher, Christine Hoar will be visiting Baltimore Yoga Studies for four days of immersion in the Ashtanga yoga practice. This is an incredible opportunity for both experienced and newer practitioners to receive insightful information and connect more deeply with the lineage of the practice. We will kick off the immersion with Led Primary Series on Saturday morning followed by Mysore practice Sunday through Tuesday mornings. This immersion will also include two workshops:

Ashtanga Essentials – Tristhana, Vinyasa, and Shraddha
Saturday, April 13 from 12 - 2 pm

Embarking on the journey of transformation requires that we follow a path. On the Ashtanga path, we make use of and rely upon certain tools. We will discuss these tools as they relate to our daily practice.

Tri means three in Sanskrit; Sthana means standing place. The Tristhana are breathing, posture, and gazing point. These important places of action should always be observed and practiced simultaneously in asana practice.

Vinyasa means breathing and movement system; for each movement, there is one breath. The purpose of vinyasa is internal cleansing. Breathing and moving together while performing asanas makes the blood hot, or, as Guruji said, “boils the blood.” Thick blood is dirty and impure, causing disease in the body. The heat created from vinyasacleanses the blood and makes it thin, so that it may circulate freely. When there is a lack of circulation, pain occurs. 

Shraddha means faith, a special faith that comes from personal and prolonged experience. At the most basic level, faith is important on the path of transformation. Nowadays many of us lack faith. We will discuss how faith can empower strength and mental clarity to continue on the path.

Asana Doctor
Sunday, April 14 from 12 - 2 pm

In developing your sadhana, there are many ups and downs and twists and turns along the way. This class will be an interactive class driven by questions about asana and the progression of asana. We will discuss the use of both modifications and preparatory steps to engage individual asana. We will explore the breath, the directions of energy, the intent/benefit of postures, and how simple postures can become building blocks for more advanced postures. We will discuss what it means to have a curiosity and skillful approach to practice as we explore the aim of creating health, vitality, and joy in our sadhana. We will use the primary, intermediate, and advanced series as a base for exploration.

Or sign up for individual sessions below

About Christine


Christine has been a practitioner and teacher of the Ashtanga Yoga System for nearly 30 years. Specializing in the integration of the Ashtanga system of Asana with the principles of Ayurveda and the depth of Yogic philosophy, Christine offers students unique insights into discovering greater joy, freedom, and self-transformation. She has made many trips to Mysore, South India to study with the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and the Jois family and is honored to have received the blessing and authorization to teach the Ashtanga Yoga system.

When you take a class with Christine, you will find yourself engaged with a teacher who integrates alignment and intuition, strength and fluidity, mindfulness and humor. She is passionate about the teachings and brings a gentle, compassionate, and light-hearted, yet powerful, hands-on approach.